Revelation 13:3 "... and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."
The deadly wound would eventually be healed, this beast would regain its power and influence over the world, and the entire world would give homage to the beast.
Malachi Martin, consummate Vatican insider and intelligence expert, reveals the following in his best-selling book The Keys of This Blood:
Since its healing, the strength of the Papacy has grown and increased until today she is one of the most powerful religio-political organizations and influence-centers in the world.
On February 11th 1929, the historic Lateran treaty was signed between the Italian Government and the Vatican, re-establishing the political power and diplomatic standing of the Catholic Church, which had been lost when Italy seized Rome, the last of the Papal States, on September 20th, 1870. Since then the Papacy has gone from strength to strength.
According to Malachi Martin, in The Keys of This Blood, he says...
• The Papacy is as determined to be world ruler as was Constantine in his day (p.49)
• He is protected by four governments (p120)
• He is the best-known person of the 20th century (p123)
• He is personal friends with the leaders of 91 countries (p490)
• People of the world seem to him ready for strong worldwide moral government with control (p160)
• Sixteen thousand journalists covered his American visit (p 490)
• The American ambassador says the Vatican is unmatched as a "listening post" (p120)
• The Vatican knows by Saturday what will happen on Monday anywhere in the world (p 439)
• Papal structure is prepared for worldwide rule now (p143)
The deadly wound is almost fully healed, the eyes of the nations are once more upon the Vatican, the Papacy has almost fully regained the power, influence and control that it once had.
Mark 11 - Would Become A Strong Political Power
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