Mark 13 - Would Be Different Than Previous Kingdoms


Daniel 7:24 "And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings."

This beast power, arising after the other beasts, would be different from them. The other beasts were purely political powers. This beast would be different in that it would be a combination, a blending, of church and state. It would have not only religious power and influence, but also political power and influence, it would be a sovereign state power in its own right.

A "woman" in prophecy represents a church:

Jeremiah 6:2 "I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman."

A "harlot" woman therefore represents an unfaithful/apostate/corrupt church.

The Papacy rules both Church and State:

Revelation 17:18 "And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."

"The office of the Pope is the Papacy. His ecclesiastical jurisdiction is often called the 'Holy See' (Sancta Sedes in Latin), or the 'Apostolic See' based upon the Church tradition that the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul were martyred in Rome. The Pope is also head of state of Vatican City, a sovereign city-state entirely enclaved within the Italian capital city of Rome." Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The Papacy fits this identification mark perfectly.


Mark 14 - Will Be Worshipped By The Whole World


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