Mark 18 - Is Clothed In Purple And Scarlet And Adorned With Gold And Jewels


Revelation 17:4 "And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:"

Catholic cardinals frequently wear scarlet. Catholic priests wear red on Good Friday, Palm Sunday, Pentecost, and other special occasions. They wear purple on Advent, Lent, and at funerals. On some of those days, other colors are also worn, including white, green, black, rose, and gold.

Riches are lavished on the icons of Catholicism. Gold, pearls, and precious stones deck the statues of Mary and the saints in the Vatican. The rebuilding of St. Peter’s Basilica in the 16th century involved the genius skill of Michelangelo, Bernini, Raphael, and the other great artists of the day. The riches and treasures lavished on the stately buildings of the Roman Catholic Church are beyond description.

The official clothing worn by the Pope on special occasions is richer in gold and jewelry than any earthly crown. The Papal tiara on display in the Vatican Museum is valuable beyond comprehension. The Papal tiara, or triple-crown, is the Papacy's reminder that the Pope's power is threefold, according to the Vatican website. The Holy See press office states:

"The Triregnum (the Papal Tiara formed by three crowns symbolizing the triple power of the Pope: father of kings, governor of the world and Vicar of Christ) from the XVIII Century, with which the bronze statue of Saint Peter is crowned every June 29th, the feast day of the Saint." Vatican Website


Mark 19 - Practices Celibacy


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