Mark 3 - Would Be A Composite Of The Four Beasts Of Daniel 7


Daniel 7:2 "Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea."

It would be a composite of the four beasts described in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13.

See the comparison below:

Daniel chapter 7 Revelation chapter 13
Babylon Lion-like beast (vs. 4) "Mouth of a lion" (vs. 2)
Medo-Persia Bear-like beast (vs. 5) "Feet of a bear" (vs. 2)
Greece Leopard-like beast (vs. 6) "Like unto a leopard" (vs. 2)
Rome Ten-horned beast (vs. 7) "Having ... ten horns" (vs. 1)

The four beasts of Daniel 7 are depicted as part of the Antichrist, or the Beast, because the Papacy incorporated pagan beliefs and practices from all four pagan empires. She clothed them in a spiritual garb and spread them to the world as Christian teachings. Here is one of many supporting statements from history:

The Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism says the following:

The missionary history of the [Catholic] Church clearly shows her adaptability to all races, all continents, all nations. In her liturgy and her art, in her tradition and the forming of her doctrine, naturally enough she includes Jewish elements, but also elements that are of pagan origin. In certain respects, she has copied her organization from that of the Roman Empire, has preserved and made fruitful the philosophical intuitions of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, borrowed from both Barbarians and the Byzantine Roman Empire—but always remains herself, thoroughly digesting all elements drawn from external sources...In her laws, her ceremonies, her festivals and her devotions, she makes use of local customs after purifying them and 'baptizing' them." Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism

Roman Catholic doctrines such as the trinity - the three-in-one mysterious god - infant baptism, sprinkling rather than immersion, teachings on death and immortality, tonsured and celibate priests with power over the dead, prayers to the dead and to relics, repetitive prayers with the use of beads, doctrines on forgiveness of sins, teachings on hell, the mass, and Sunday worship. These are doctrines actually derived directly from ancient Babylon, not the Bible. This definitely fits the Papacy.


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