Mark 7 - Would Persecute And Overcome The Saints


Revelation 13:7 "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations."

This power would war against and persecute the saints; this the Papacy did, it persecuted and killed millions of God’s faithful people during the Dark Ages.

Peter de Rosa acknowledges that his own Catholic Church...

"was responsible for persecuting Jews, for the Inquisition, for slaughtering heretics by the thousands, for reintroducing torture into Europe as part of the judicial process." Peter de Rosa

The papacy persecuted and destroyed millions of saints during the dark ages, just because they would not worship her way, yet the Roman Catholic Church has never officially admitted that these practices were evil, nor has she apologized to the world or to any of the victims or their descendants. Nor could the Pope apologize today because...

"the doctrines responsible for those terrible things still underpin his [the Pope's] position." Peter de Rosa

Rome has not changed at heart, no matter what sweet words she speaks when it serves her purpose.


Mark 8 - Would Reign For 42 Prophetic Months (1260 Literal Years)


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